Sunday, January 31, 2010

Barielle Sweet Addiction

Here I am again, I'm getting back into the whole blog thing pretty easily, aren't I?
Of course it's easier when all I need to do to prepare an entry is cropping some pics I already have on my hard drive.
Anyways, thi one is a polish I had the luck to find on the Marketplace. I really love Barielle colors, I'd love to get my hands on more of these (I'm still dreaming of Date Night), but I'm afraid Barielle doesn't love me back, since the US site only ships to the US and the EU one doesn't ship to Italy (and has crazy prices).
As for this one, application was really easy, it could have done the job with one coat, but I applied two for good measure.
Once again click for bigger, and thanks for looking.


Buona domenica! Lo smalto di oggi è Barielle Sweet Addiction.

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